Developing the concept of Visual Art
What is Visual Art?
Most teachers understand the power of visual aids in helping students grasp content. Teachers value the support that visuals lend to classroom instruction because they encourage students to make associations between pieces of information, soak up chunks of course content quickly, and function as a memory aid.
In an ever-increasing technological world, schools must be prepared to help students learn how to use technology. Visual aids can help accomplish that goal. Many classrooms are installing interactive whiteboards, which show images, charts, and graphs, but also allow students to move things around and touch items to learn more. PowerPoint presentations are a computer-generated visual aid that allows teachers to show photographs and other images to enhance a topic. Students can also use PowerPoint technology to prepare reports and presentations to share in class. Teachers can also bring in the Internet by showing video clips and pictures to enhance classroom instruction.
The visual arts are art forms such as:
sculpture, ceramics,
crafts and
Elements of arts.
There are seven elements of Visual Arts. They are:
- Lines.
- values.
- Colors.
- Spaces.
- Shapes
- Textures.
- Forms.
Each element has many different forms. For example, there are various types of lines as shown here:
1:straight line
2: curvy line
3:zigzag lines
- 4:Wavy lines
5: vertical line
6: horizontal line
Background & foreground
Subject, viewpoint
Light, dark, shading, depth, shadows, highlights
Spacial awareness/proportions
- Cross-hatching
Stroke, dab
Pressure, texture
Mixed media
Mono print