Tuesday 30 August 2022

DMIC Maths 2022. Term 2

 Number: Fractions

Tupou says that she can write more than 20 numbers between 0 and 1. Hemi says that there are none, so Tupou writes them and uses a number line to prove that they exist. Can you write some numbers you think Tupou wrote and show where you think she marked them on her number line?

What are all the different ways you can use fraction tiles to make one whole? As you make these, record them, and be ready to explain and justify how they make one whole. 

What are all the different ways you can use the fraction tiles to make a fraction number that is less than one-half but more than two twelfths? As you make these, record them, and be ready to explain and justify why they are less than one whole.

What are all the different ways you can use the fraction tiles to make a fraction number that is more than one whole but less than one and 1 quarter? As you make these, record them, and be ready to explain and justify why they are more than one whole.

What are all the different ways you can use the fraction tiles to make a fraction number that is less than one-half but more than one-quarter? As you make these, record them, and be ready to explain and justify why they are less than one-half.

What are all the different ways you can use the fraction tiles to make a fraction number that is between two-thirds and seven eighths? As you make these, record them and be ready to explain and justify why they are between one half and one whole.

What are all the different ways you can use the fraction tiles to make a fraction number that is more than one whole and less than one and a third? As you make these, record them and be ready to explain and justify why they are more than one whole and less than 2.

What are all the different ways you can use the fraction tiles to make fraction numbers that are the same as one-fifth?

What are all the different ways you can use the fraction tiles to make fraction numbers that are the same as one-eighth?


Melvin and Khaleesi help their parents at home with the chores. They wonder how much time other tamariki at their school spend helping their whanau with chores. Here is the results they collected showing how many minutes a group of tamariki in the school spend doing chores on the weekend.

15  23  8  12  25  65  0  20  15  21  30 0  28   10 25  21  18  22  25  32  5   35  26  20  25  30  16  24  25  10  15

Can you put the data into a stem and leaf graph? Make “I wonder” and, “I notice” statements about the data.

Mereana is the goal shooter for the netball team. She decided to work out her statistics for goal shooting. Over 8 games, her mean score was 5, the median was 6, and the mode was 4. What might her scores be for each game?

The average (mean) temperature over a week was 20 degrees Celsius. The highest temperature was 25 degrees Celsius. What might the temperature have been on the other days? Draw a table to show the time-series data. Represent the time-series data using a line graph. Make statements about the temperature over the week.

The mean is 10. The median is 12. The data set has 16 numbers. What might the numbers be? Develop a story about the data set and the question that it might be answering. Represent your data set and write statements about it.

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