Thursday 31 March 2022



Practicing handwriting is very important so that we as writers can form our letters automatically. This means we do it without thinking about how to form the letter, just like driving we do not think about how to put the brake on, we just do it.

It is important that they start in the correct place and go in the right direction. Ideally, a child should form their letters fluently so it is important they keep practicing a letter until they can form it correctly and quickly without too much thinking about how to do it.


1. All upper case letters touch the top and bottom of the line.

 2. All lower case letters are half size and sit on the bottom line. 

3. All letters should be formed correctly and be an even and consistent size. 

4. All numbers are 3/4 size. They sit on the bottom line. 

5. The lower case ‘t’ is 3/4 size. It sits on the bottom line but doesn't touch the top line. 

6. The upper case ‘M’ touches the top and bottom line and the middle point touches the bottom line. 

7 The upper case ‘W’ touches the top and bottom line and the middle point touches the top line., 

8. The lower case ‘k’ is the loopy one. 

9. The upper case ‘Y’ is point one. 

10. Letters with tails must sit on the bottom line and the tails drop halfway down into the line below



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