Thursday, 31 August 2023

Te Reo Maori - 2023

Learning Te Reo Maori


In many parts of the world, people grow up using at least two languages from an early age. This creates an awareness of language and how it works which improves their understanding of their first language and their ability to use it.

Learning a new language also helps develop skills, attitudes, and understandings that they can transfer to learning other languages.

For these reasons, learning Te Reo Maori is recommended not only for students who have particular strengths in language learning but also for those who find learning languages challenging.

Today, The New Zealand Curriculum and Ka Hikitia affirm the value of te reo Māori as the indigenous language of New Zealand. Increasingly, New Zealanders understand that te reo Māori and tikanga Māori are essential components of this country’s heritage. While they define Māori identity in particular, they are integral to the identity of all New Zealanders. 

Yet for all the positive indications of change, only 3 percent of New Zealanders can actually converse in te reo Māori. If this is to change, all schools will need to provide their students with the opportunities to learn te reo Māori that are available through The New Zealand Curriculum.

Research shows that the opportunity to learn an additional language has many cultural, social, cognitive, linguistic, economic, and personal benefits for students. While these benefits

apply to all language learning, there are some specific advantages for New Zealand students in learning te reo Māori. 


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