Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Physical Education Dodge Ball 2020 Term 3 Weeks 1 - 5

Dodgeball is a team sport in which players on two teams try to throw balls and hit opponents while avoiding being hit themselves. 
The main objective in dodgeball is to eliminate all members of the opposing team by throwing the ball at them. Plays must dodge the ball to remain in the game and the team who manages to eliminate all of their opponent’s first are deemed the winners. Link: https://www.rulesofsport.com/sports/dodgeball.html

ABOVE: Team building. Students are learning the skills to work as a team.

ABOVE: Students are practising the skills of throwing and catching the ball.

ABOVE: Eying a target to throw the ball at.

ABOVE: Game Time. Putting skills into practice.

ABOVE: Game Time. Putting skills into practice.

Cook Island Language Week 2020

Kia orana

The theme for Cook Islands language week is"Kia pūāvai tō tātou Reo Māori Kūki ‘Āirani i Aotearoa" which in English means "That the Cook Islands Māori language may blossom throughout New Zealand."

This year Room 22 celebrated the Cook Island Language Week. Students decided to select various aspects of Cook Island culture and research about them.

Below are some of the work which students have done to mark the Cook Island Language Week. 

ABOVE: Alishba has drawn a beautiful Frangipani flower,
which is commonly found on Cook Island. 

ABOVE: Flower art is done by Alishba

ABOVE: This student has researched and explored multiple aspects of
Cook Island culture. 

ABOVE: This student has researched and explored multiple aspects of 
Cook Island culture. She has written a brief description to explain, 
what her drawings are about.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Folau Assembly

 ABOVE: Zoey, Kailah, Bella and Nivayah presenting their class learning in Inquiry.

ABOVE: Misionare, Moala and Jeremiah presenting the class learning in maths.

ABOVE: Maria, Inglera and Phoebe are getting ready to present the class learning in Reading

ABOVE: Maria, Inglera and Phoebe presenting their class learning in Reading.

ABOVE: Emma, Drae, Sarah and Atumalie presenting their class learning in writing. 

ABOVE: Emma, Drae, Sarah and Atumalie presenting their class learning in writing.

ABOVE: Pranav, Avishal, Lotima, Owais and Faraaz presenting their class learning in Blogger


 Celebrating My Learning. "Celebrating My Learning" could refer to recognizing and acknowledging personal achievements and growth ...